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Your Viola News! Issue #008 - Viola Players Will Attempt World Record!
August 13, 2010
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VIOLA NEWS! * * * * Issue 08 * * * * 13 August 2010

Hello, music and viola lover!

Here is a fun initiative I've just come across! ViolaMania is an attempt to set the world record of largest viola ensemble. Organized by the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra to celebrate the rebirth of the Northern California Viola Society, this will take place on 30th August at 8pm at Freight & Salvage, 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704.

Everyone interested can join in, there will be top professional violists of the area, among other viola music they'll perform Mozart's quintet in E flat with two violas. At the end there will be a mass performance of Telemann's Viola concerto, preceded by a viola jam session and potluck at 6.30 pm. The organizers hope the concert will attract more than 100 violists on top of the 19 featured performers!

So if you are in the area you can go and enjoy the event, otherwise, why not organize something similar where you live? In case you want to practice Telemann's Viola concerto for this occasion (or any other one, it's always a good occasion), download a free MIDI file and choose your favourite edition.

For more information, here is the Northern California Viola Society facebook page, the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra website and the Freight & Salvage's.

Finally, did you know? You can send your friends a postcard with Telemann's viola concerto, from the brand new ecards page at Viola in Music.

Best wishes


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