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How to eliminate tendonitis,
physical injuries and nerves deriving from

viola (and violin) playing

Workshop based on the
New Approach by Kato Havas

30 July 2011

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Find out how to eliminate tendonitis, tensions and aches and pains caused by playing violin, and even more, viola and other instruments.

Come to the workshop that I'll run on Saturday 30 July 2011 from 10.30 to start at 11.00 am to 5.00 pm (with a lunch break) in Oxford, at St Edmund's College, continuing the tradition of summer workshop by Kato Havas, who is no longer running it herself.

Many players spend years suffering because of aches and pains and even tendonitis in their arms, neck, shoulders, back, wrists, hands, carpal tunnel syndrome etc.; they stop playing and start again, some even undergo operations and then stop playing altogether, not to mention emotional tension...

It's really a shame because it is possible to eliminate tendonitis and other nuisances that afflict players, in a very simple way, knowing the correct movements to do while playing: simple things that could help you improve your tone, increase your ease, the agility in playing, also by heart, eliminate the insecurity and therefore the anxiety, the stage fright.

The New Approach principles can be applied also to other instruments. The workshop is open to everybody, especially string players, in particular violinists and violists, teachers, students, professionals, amateurs.

To learn more about it:

How to play the viola: watch Kato Havas's workshop, with videos

Kato Havas's teaching DVD: causes and cures of physical injuries and anxiety

Viola books

Take advantage of this opportunity also to visit one of the most beautiful  cities in the world, Alice's "Wonderland".

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Fill in the following form to confirm you presence at the workshop Eliminate tendonitis. For those who wish, there will also be the the opportunity to have private lessons.

For more information, call +44 7985 025129 or skype: monicacuneo or  send a message

Workshop fee:£ 40.00 (British pounds) / €45, £35 if you book and pay in advance

Eliminate tendonitis and anxiety
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